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Thursday 23 April 2009

Homophobic depravity in Iraq

This is very disturbing. Well, all persecution of sexual minorities is disturbing, but you’ll need a strong stomach for this.

An article on the American gay site tells how homophobic, sadistic Iraqi militant scum are gluing gay men’s arseholes together and then forcing them to take a diarrhoea-inducing drink, leading to their deaths.

The website had already bemoaned the fact that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was quiet on the subject of Iraqi gays. The figures there make disquieting reading: 600 documented murders of Iraqi gays since 2005.

“And yet,” says first-linked article above, “while the US spends billions every month on Iraqi operations, there’s no attention, let alone resources, going toward defending these folks.”

The site translates a piece from Al Arabiya, which says:

A prominent Iraqi human rights activist says that Iraqi militia have deployed a painful form of torture against homosexuals by closing their anuses using “Iranian gum.” . . . Yina Mohammad told that, “Iraqi militias have deployed an unprecedented form of torture against homosexuals by using a very strong glue that will close their anus.”

According to her, the new substance “is known as the American hum [sic], which is an Iranian-manufactured glue that if applied to the skin, sticks to it and can only be removed by surgery. After they glue the anuses of homosexuals, they give them a drink that causes diarrhea. Since the anus is closed, the diarrhea causes death.

“Videos of this form of torture are being distributed on mobile cellphones in Iraq.”

According to this human rights activist, for the past 3 weeks a crackdown on homosexuals has been going on based on a religious decree that demands their death; dozens have been targeted. She says that the persecution of homosexuals is not confined to the Shiite clerics. Some Sunni leaders have also declared the death penalty for sodomy on satellite channels.

As you see, not just homophobic, sadistic Iraqi militant scum, but homophobic, sadistic Iraqi militant scum doing it in the name of religion. says on another page, “President Barack Obama and Sec. of State Hillary Clinton have made no indication these atrocities are even on their radar. But our radar is blip-bloop-BLEEPING with this shit.”

It then goes on to present an interview with Ali Hili, leader of the UK-based organisation Iraqi LGBT.

There’s plenty to read on that site. I’ve given three links above, but each story has several more.

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