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Monday 21 July 2008

That bloody woman again!

That bloody woman in Northern Ireland has been at it again. Iris Robinson (pictured), who's an MP and a member of the province's own Assembly, caused outrage recently when she suggested that gay people ought to visit a psychiatrist friend of hers who would make them straight.

Yes, just as the Pope might get himself a boyfriend and open a condom factory, Mrs Robinson.

Today's issue of Pink News cites an interview in the Belfast Telegraph, which says it's now emerged that she said some pretty horrible things during committee proceedings in the Commons last month, comparing gays to child abusers.

She is quoted as having said, "There can be no viler act, apart from homosexuality and sodomy, than sexually abusing innocent children. There must be sufficient confidence that the community has the best possible protection against such perverts."

When contacted by the Belfast Telegraph, Robinson reiterated her views and said she was following Scriptures. "Can you think of anything more vile than man and man or woman and woman and sexually abusing children?" she told the paper. "What I say I base on biblical pronouncements, based on God’s word. I am amazed that people are surprised when I quote from scriptures. It shows the churches either aren’t preaching God’s word or are watering it down.

"I cannot think of anything more sickening than a child being abused. It is comparable to the act of homosexuality. I think they are all comparable. I feel totally repulsed by both."
UPDATE: Robinson went on to claim that Hansard – the official parliamentary record – misquoted her.

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