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Sunday 25 May 2008

Convert Muslims into Christians, says Christian

A senior lay member of the Church of England says Muslims should be converted to Christianity. Paul Eddy is a member of the General Synod (the arse-kicking body of the Anglican Church), who is training for the priesthood.

He's come under "intense pressure" from bishops to withdraw his plan to continue with his campaign, according to the BBC. "But he has secured enough support for his motion to be debated at the next meeting of the Church's ruling body," says the story. "The motion calls on the Church to proclaim Christianity as the only route to ultimate salvation."

Eddy says he has the backing of at least 124 members of the Synod for his proposed motion, including the Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali.

Nazir-Ali is right behind him, and is quoted in the Mail on Sunday as saying the Church isn't doing enough to convert Muslims. The story goes on:

Dr Nazir-Ali, who faced death threats earlier this year after saying that some parts of the country had become "no-go areas" for non-Muslims, said that it was important for faiths to talk to one another without diluting their core beliefs.

Well, converting Muslims to Christians is at least one step in the right direction, I suppose, considering the dwindling church attendance among the alleged faithful compared with the rapidly increasing number of active Muslim worshipers. Convert them into Christians, and perhaps they'll then drop religion altogether.

But a nation of Christians is a better prospect than one that that sees the encroaching and damaging Islamisation of British culture as councils and government bodies fall over themselves to appease.

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